Category: video
watch: open source PNP
watch: elon musk (JRE)
watch: guitologist event 201
watch: doctors in black
I posted this video because of all the platforms that took it down and embedded it from a source that won’t take it down.
It’s a point of view. Hearing and considering it won’t hurt anyone. There are no requests/calls/demands of violence or aggressive force against other people.
I also posted it because of the people I know almost demanding that, other people I know stop posting it.
If you’re my friend, I’ll always be your friend regardless of what you believe.
watch: episode 020
music: 20051022 (steve rightnour)
watch: episode 019
music: 20110826 (steve rightnour)
watch: episode 018
music: 20161228c (steve rightnour)
watch: episode 017
music: 20111008c (steve rightnour)