LACo Sheriff ts pt2

<a href="">LACo Sheriff ts pt2 by Steve Rightnour</a>

real time output of a Harvestman Tyme Sefari being fed live feed of radio traffic via LA County Sheriffs Dept

Tyme Sefari Patch:

Mix out maxed to “dry only”
Delay out fed to one side of a Livewire Dalek Modular>Bubblesound SEM20 LP filter>modified delay of my Monorocket MS9 enclosure

Rec Mode controlled by CV via square wave of a Livewire Electronics Vulcan Modulator

Sample Rate and Loop End point controlled by separate CV outs of MFB SEQ02 Step Sequencer


Real time into Session View of Ableton Live 8
3 takes “side by side”
EQ, gate and limiter on each track,
Reverb Patch on Return A
Mastering Compression on Master

Reverb patch:

Redux>Auto Filter>Simple Delay>Reverb
(all native Ableton plugs)

Creative Commons License

Podcast feed: Subscribe podcast radio rtopia Podcast feed: Subscribe rss rtopia>

LACo Sheriff ts pt1

<a href="">LACoSheriff ts pt1 by Steve Rightnour</a>

real time output of a Harvestman Tyme Sefari being fed live feed of radio traffic via LA County Sheriffs Dept

Tyme Sefari Patch:

Mix out maxed to “dry only”
Delay out fed to one side of a Livewire Dalek Modular>Bubblesound SEM20 LP filter>modified delay of my Monorocket MS9 enclosure

Rec Mode controlled by CV via square wave of a Livewire Electronics Vulcan Modulator

Sample Rate and Loop End point controlled by separate CV outs of MFB SEQ02 Step Sequencer


Real time into Session View of Ableton Live 8
3 takes “side by side”
EQ, gate and limiter on each track,
Reverb Patch on Return A
Mastering Compression on Master

Reverb patch:

Redux>Auto Filter>Simple Delay>Reverb
(all native Ableton plugs)

Creative Commons License

Podcast feed: Subscribe podcast radio rtopia Podcast feed: Subscribe rss rtopia

release: theme songs

3 tracks that started out as “exercises”, became demos, ended up in an itunes playlist and eventually stuck

“nothing grows here” began as testing a guitar signal path + reverb presets
recorded 2005 at the highpoint corona ca

“another new white car” was a looping experiment that came out of testing a newly arrived ARP Odyssey (bought off of eBay)
recorded 2007 the exit long beach ca

“resurrection on a rust belt” testing a couple of mods done to the ARP Odyssey (cross modulation, LFO free run and filter)
recorded 2008 cuyahoga falls oh

amero update 06032008


sorting through 4 months worth of soundscaping and “parts”

if you’ve been following my DIY posts on rtopia, you can see that I’ve been building more things to make noise with. the tests end up being elements that usually find their way into this project.

the hardest part at this point is to stop adding color and edit what’s already there to sound “right” (whatever that means)

last night, the title track was reworked/remixed to sound more
“substantial” (and all it took was a couple of improv takes on my lap steel)