Category: record-produce
tracking the stranger kings (northern)
locust (juliette street)
R Modules
by Metasonix : )
Stranger Kings “All of Everything”
the newest from stranger kings
Leslie Dupre Grimaud Interview
stranger kings 02102011
lapsteel + ebow
neotek + pro tools
learning something new with the stranger kings
iron man
Lid Row 1: Tubes!
Metasonix R54 Supermodule VCO/VCF (VCO or Filter)
Metasonix R52 Multimode Filter
Metasonix R53 Waveshaper / Ring Modulator
Metasonix R51 VCA / Distortion
Lid Row 2: Oscillators
Monorocket Utility Panel (wired as mult) Harvestman Hertz Donut! (digital FM VCO)
Malekko Wiard Anti Oscillator (VCO x 2)
Malekko Wiard Oscillator (VCO)
Livewire Audio Frequency Generator (VCO x 2)
Lid Row 3: Oscillator Filter Modifier
Harvestman Piston Honda Wavetable Oscillator (VCO)
Harvestman Tyme Sefari SRAM based delay (Delay – Looping)
Harvestman Sound of Thunder (expander for Tyme Serfari)
Harvestman Polivoks Filter (VCF)
Bubblesound SEM20 Filter (VCF)
Malekko Wiard Borg Filter 1 (VCF)
Malekko Wiard Borg Filter 2(VCF)
Malekko Assmaster Distortion
Base Row 1 LFO Envelope
Makenoise Wogglebug (random voltage generator)
Livewire Dual Cyclotron (LFO)
Livewire Dual Bissell Generator (Slew Processor x2)
Pittsburgh Modular ViLFO (LFO)
Pittsburgh Modular Timetable (clock divider)
Malekko Wiard Noise Ring (Noise Clock Data Resonator)
Doepfer Voltage Controlled Switch (handbuilt) Expert Sleepers ES3 ADAT to CV interface
Base Row 2 LFO Envelope Modulate
Livewire Frequensteiner (VCF x2)
Bubblesound uLFO (LFO) Livewire Vulcan Modulator (Dual LFO)
Livewire Dalek Modulator (Ring Mod with sources)
Malekko Wiard Envelator (EG)
Doepfer A143-1 Complex Envelope Generator (EG or LFO)
Doepfer A 190-1 MIDI to CV interface
Base Row 3 Sequence Control Interface
Monorocket Custom Effects Loop (interface with guitar pedals – handbuilt)
MFB SEQ-01 Drum sequencer
MFB SEQ-02 Step Sequencer
Makenoise Brains (links the two Pressure Points to become a sequencer)
Makenoise Pressure Points (touch surface x2)
STG Soundlabs BAM (buffered mult + attenuator)
Doepfer A 132 Dual VCA (VCA)
Monorocket Headphone Amp (handbuilt)
MFB Drum 99 Mixer