synth builder: SOLD Chaos Computer B Stock

SOLD Chaos Computer

Random Voltage Source8 simultaneous Outputs
2 Axis of value generation via 8 probability choices per axis
2 random voltage range types (Gaussian or Uniform) per axis
2 voltage ranges (Wide or Close) per random voltage type
Additional voltage range adjustment jumpers (0v to +5v or -5 to +5v) on the rear of module
1 gate signal (clock rate) per axis
1 random binary output per axis
Each Axis will accept external clock source
Sync/Async mode selects clock source for Y axis (slave to X or free running)
64 LED display provides feedback on shift register states$500 + shipping
($15 flat rate USA/Exact postage for Non US)

If this post is still visible – multiple units are still available (PayPal will automatically re route you if I run out of stock before editing the post)

synth builder: SOLD B stock Dalek Modulator

SOLD Dalek Modulator

Balanced Ring Modulator/Multiplier
Process external signals or use onboard linear VCO’s
2 Waveforms per VCO (SQ and SIN)
OBEY/DESTROY and AC/DC shape modulator output
CV inputs control VCO pitch
CV controls adjust (pre ring) cross modulation when no CV input is present

$200 + shipping
($15 flat rate USA/Exact postage for Non US)

contact me for future availability of all cases and livewire synthesizer modules: