read: PC Magazine deletes article and fires its author

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text of the deleted article:

If you read the barrage of scary literature about 5G mobile phone technology, specifically the use of millimeter wave frequencies to transmit data, you must conclude that it is a bad bet.

I’m not saying this because the technology does not work. It’s a bad bet because so little is known about the effects of millimeter waves (30GHz-300GHz). While these frequencies only permeate a small fraction of the human epidermis (the skin), the effect on the cornea, in particular, needs serious research.

Because the industry is too cheap to study the health effects of the technology itself, it lets this sort of product out the door despite the fact that it has already been weaponized by the military. These frequencies are so poor at traveling long distances, they need a transmitter on nearly every telephone pole and light pole to make 5G work.

5G is already getting some bad publicity, which could result in everything from bans on the technology to equipment destruction by vigilantes.

Of course, when you read deeper into what the chip and telecom companies are trying to do, you quickly discover that many systems calling themselves 5G are currently 4G mods using 5G as a marketing tool. Let’s ignore that scam and stay focused on millimeter waves.

As usual, the mostly arrogant (or naïve) technology industry is caught flat-footed at the negative reaction. It always figures that the stupid public will buy into anything new and jazzy if it makes their handheld phone seem a little faster, and even pay more for the privilege of the upgrade.

One of the ways the industry has made this all work in the past is by quick implementation followed by a “Hey look it works! Nobody was killed” approach. That cannot happen with true 5G, which needs all these mini-towers all over the place. That leaves plenty more time for the public to get a clue and be freaked out.

When you do a search for “5G is Safe” on Google and Bing, you get a number of negative stories and a laundry list of why some people believe it’s unsafe. Companies may as well begin to market a 5G mobile phone with a skull and crossbones on it.

If this bad PR is somehow reversed and 5G takes over the market, I will be shocked. The way it is going does not bode well for any of it.



Revisiting GRM, Which Was Ground Zero for Musique Concrète

“GRM—to give it its full title, Groupe de Recherches Musicales—is hardly a household name. But it deserves to be spoken of in the same breath as other centers of 20th century sonic innovation, from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop to the San Francisco Tape Music Center to Bob Moog’s work station. In fact, in terms of sheer outer-limits invention, it might just outstrip them all.”