Month: October 2011
Leslie Dupre Grimaud @ Juliette Tower (vid)
Leslie Dupre Grimaud @ Juliette Tower
guitars for a new track on the “sinking ships” album
radio 5 years ago
found this from an old post on
Live on “Glossolollia” KXLU 88.9 FM Los Angeles October 18 2006
in addition to playing some tracks, mike brown and I did a live improv (he patched this synth – I drove Ableton Live)
photolog: oct 2011
rss podcast blah blah blah
just made some changes so the site feed will behave like a podcast
if you want audio to automatically appear in your podcast software (ie. itunes), subscribe to this feed:
the tracks from soundloud won’t appear (so I’m not using soundcloud anymore), but the audioboos will
I’ll do my best to keep things interesting
feed test (12312007a)
10082k11 live improv
live improv set on the modular
10072k11 live improv
live improv set on the modular
12142006 (yes – it’s old)
from a series of patches in Ableton Live for self generating music
I needed to test some code for the site and found a bevy of old recordings in the directory tree