real time output of a Harvestman Tyme Sefari being fed live feed of radio traffic via LA County Sheriffs Dept
Tyme Sefari Patch:
Mix out maxed to “dry only”
Delay out fed to one side of a Livewire Dalek Modular>Bubblesound SEM20 LP filter>modified delay of my Monorocket MS9 enclosure
Rec Mode controlled by CV via square wave of a Livewire Electronics Vulcan Modulator
Sample Rate and Loop End point controlled by separate CV outs of MFB SEQ02 Step Sequencer
Real time into Session View of Ableton Live 8
3 takes “side by side”
EQ, gate and limiter on each track,
Reverb Patch on Return A
Mastering Compression on Master
Reverb patch:
Redux>Auto Filter>Simple Delay>Reverb
(all native Ableton plugs)